Learn Cambodian Khmer Language Words
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This has been my mini side project for quite sometime now, Phiasa Khmer is not meant to be a Learn Khmer site but rather a reference and/or informative "space" for all things Khmer language, not even about the food or the country.. well not at this stage.
Though Khmer is not one of tonal languges, non Khmers often find the pronunciation bit challenging, some say Khmer vowels are tricky, a blend of two sounds, as if it starts with one and ends with another.
So who would find this site useful, firstly that you know some Khmer, be it just speaking fluently or otherwise and lastly you're eager to expand your vocab! I will try to provide some background/explaination to each meaning to give you some perspective and of course what a better way to remember something than by association.
Happy learning! Feel free to drop us a line admin@phiasakhmer.com for any comments & questions, help us build a FAQ page.